Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Gregory Gottfried - Screenwriter

Gregory Gottfried first knew he wanted to be a writer when he started rewriting the scripts of his favorite television shows. He didn’t think he could write them better, he simply wanted to retell them in his own way. From there, he studied film and scriptwriting at community college and eventually moved on to writing and editing scripts for friends. He still produces music videos and other projects for friends and uses his writing talent to weave compelling stories onscreen and on the page. Gottfried is now at work on his first novel, a thriller same ilk as Lee Child and Vince Flynn stories.

Gregory Gottfried 

Gregory Gottfried was always enraptured by how a story can develop without exposition and only from dialogue written on the page. He was fascinated by how the authors of some of his favorite scripts from his favorite movies could create a story and a new world only with dialogue and setting. Gregory Gottfried worked hard to craft his own stories using the classic formula of action and dialogue at every turn to help his characters come to life. By their actions, characters of the best stories turn the plotline. Gottfried continues to work on his scripts to create tension, build character, and create ways for the audience to identify with his story and his characters.

Gregory Gottfried edits other works, rewrites scripts, and revises his own writing constantly while also holding down a day job as a front desk clerk at the Tarrytown Sheraton in Tarrytown, New York.