Thursday, 4 February 2016

Gregory Gottfried - Tips For Writing Fiction

As an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, Gregory Gottfried understands how to craft a fictional story that will compel people to keep reading through to the very end. He has compiled the following list of tips that should help people who are taking their first steps into the world of fiction.
Gregory Gottfried

Keep It Believable

When we talk about believability in fiction, that doesn’t necessarily mean making sure that what you write could occur in the real world. Instead, it means taking into account the various “rules” of the universe you have created to ensure that everything that happens is believable based on those “rules.” Failure to do this could result in you using cheap tricks to resolve plot points, which the reader will spot in an instant.

Create Your Universe

Before you start writing a fiction novel you need to have a good understanding of the universe you are creating and the people that inhabit it. Create a backstory that may not be used in the writing itself but will give you a better idea of how everything you write fits into the universe that you have created. This will make it much easier for you to get into the flow and make sure that everything in your writing makes sense in the context that it is written.


Gregory Gottfried notes that one of the best things that a writer can do in order to improve is to read the works of other writers. This will help you to understand what readers of the genre you’re writing in expect from a book, while also offering a wellspring of inspiration and ideas that you can bring to your own work.